National Semiconductor (NS)美国国家半导体公司成立于1959年,是著名的模拟和混合信号半导体制造商,也是半导体工业的先驱。
National Semiconductor (NS)美国国家半导体公司总部设在美国加州。它的生产网点遍布全球,在美国德克萨斯州、缅因州和苏格兰建有晶片制造厂,在马来西亚和新加坡建有检验中心和装配厂,共有员工大约11,000名。
National Semiconductor (NS)美国国家半导体公司致力于利用一流的模拟和数字技术为信息时代创造高集成度的解决方案。
National Semiconductor (NS)美国国家半导体公司的产品已被广泛应用于计算机、计算机外围设备、通讯以及消费类电子产品。主要生产的产品有放大器、比较器、显示电路、接口电路、传感器等通用模拟电路和汽车电路、微处理器及军用航空用产品等等。面对Internet高速发展的现实,National Semiconductor (NS)美国国家半导体公司1996年开始调整其战略,着眼于信息工具的设计生产。为此,National Semiconductor (NS)美国国家半导体公司内部作了一系列调整,National Semiconductor (NS)美国国家半导体公司将真正系统所需的先进电路技术集成在一个芯片上,其中包括接口、无线技术、显示方案和其他模拟功能如电源管理。
National Semiconductor (NS)美国国家半导体在电源管理技术方面无出其右,凭借其精简易用的集成电路和世界级的连锁供应,促使National Semiconductor (NS)美国国家半导体的高性能模拟产品能给予客户的系统更大的能源效益。
National Semiconductor (NS)美国国家半导体作为一家居于领导地位的模拟电源管理技术开发商,所生产的电源管理产品种类繁多,其中包括易于使用的集成电路、可提高系统能源效率的PowerWise产品以及可提高太阳能系统发电量的SolarMagic产品。
National Semiconductor (NS)美国国家半导体将模拟技术和数字技术相结合,专注基于模拟技术的半导体产品,包括电源管理、图像技术、显示驱动器、音频及运算放大器、接口产品以及数据转换解决方案等领域的独立元件和子系统。模拟芯片产品主要面向移动电话、显示器、各种便携式应用及广泛的电子产品市场,其中包括医疗设备、汽车电子系统、工业系统以及测试和测量设备等产品市场。其网络接口芯片在90年代被广泛使用,成为事实上的标准,特别是其宽范围的温度环境特性,使得其被应用在工业场景,室外等气候恶劣的环境。2001年在业界率先推出千兆网络控制器芯片。
北京时间2011年9月24日,德州仪器完成了对芯片制造商National Semiconductor (NS)美国国家半导体的收购,这项交易总金额为65亿美元。
National Semiconductor was an American semiconductor manufacturer which specialized in analog devices and subsystems, formerly with headquarters in Santa Clara, California, United States. The company produced power management integrated circuits, display drivers, audio and operational amplifiers, communication interface products and data conversion solutions. National's key markets included wireless handsets, displays and a variety of broad electronics markets, including medical, automotive, industrial and test and measurement applications.
On September 23, 2011, the company formally became part of Texas Instruments as the "Silicon Valley" division.
National Semiconductor[2] was founded in Danbury, Connecticut by Dr. Bernard J. Rothlein on May 27, 1959, when he and seven colleagues, Edward N. Clarke, Joseph J. Gruber, Milton Schneider, Robert L. Hopkins, Robert L. Hoch, Richard N. Rau and Arthur V. Siefert, left their employment at the semiconductor division of Sperry Rand Corporation.
The founding of the new company was followed by Sperry Rand filing a lawsuit against National Semiconductor for patent infringement.[3] By 1965, as it was reaching the courts, the preliminaries of the lawsuit had caused the stock value of National to be depressed. The depressed stock values allowed Peter J Sprague[4] to invest heavily in the company with Sprague's family funds. Sprague also relied on further financial backing from a pair of west coast investment firms and a New York underwriter to take control as the Chairman of National Semiconductor. At that time Sprague was 27 years old. Jeffrey S. Young characterised the era as the beginning of venture capitalism.[5]
That same year National Semiconductor acquired Molectro. Molectro was founded in 1962, in Santa Clara, California by J. Nall and D. Spittlehouse, who were formerly employed at Fairchild Camera and Instrument Corporation. The acquisition also brought to National Semiconductor two experts in linear semiconductor technologies, Robert Widlar and Dave Talbert, who were also formerly employed at Fairchild. The acquisition of Molectro provided National with the technology to launch itself in the fabrication and manufacture of monolithic integrated circuits.[6][7]
In 1967, Sprague hired five top executives away from Fairchild, among whom were Charles E. Sporck and Pierre Lamond. At the time of Sporck's hiring, Robert Noyce was de facto head of semiconductor operations at Fairchild and Sporck was his operations manager.
Sporck was appointed President and CEO of National. To make the deal better for Sporck's hiring and appointment for half his former salary at Fairchild, Sporck was allotted a substantial share of National's stock. In essence, Sporck took four of his personnel from Fairchild with him as well as three others from TI, Perkin-Elmer and Hewlett Packard to form a new eight man team at National Semiconductor.[5] Incidentally, Sporck had been Widlar's superior at Fairchild before Widlar left Fairchild to join Molectro due to a compensation dispute with Sporck.[8]
In 1968, National shifted its headquarters from Danbury, Connecticut to Santa Clara, California. However, like many companies, National retained its registration as a Delaware corporation, for legal and financial expediency.
Over the years National Semiconductor acquired several companies like Fairchild Semiconductor (1987), and Cyrix (1997). However, over time National Semiconductor spun off these acquisitions. Fairchild Semiconductor became a separate company again in 1997 and the Cyrix microprocessors division was sold to VIA Technologies of Taiwan in 1999.
From 1997 to 2002, National enjoyed a large amount of publicity and awards with the development of the Cyrix Media Center, Cyrix WebPad, WebPad Metro and National Origami PDA concept devices created by National's Conceptual Products Group. Based largely on the success of the WebPad National formed the Information Appliance division (highly integrated processors & "internet gadgets") in 1998. The Information Appliance Division was sold to AMD in 2003.
Other business like digital wireless chipsets, image sensors, PC I/O chipsets have also been recently closed down or sold off as National has reincarnated itself as a high performance analog semiconductor company.
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